1000 round number 1002 sphenic number, Mertens function zero, abundant number 1005 Mertens function zero 1008 divisible by the number of primes below it 1009 first prime above 1000 1010 Mertens function zero 1013 Sophie Germain prime, centered square number, Mertens function zero 1014 Mertens function zero 1015 square pyramidal number 1016 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1017 Brick Squad 1018 Mertens function zero 1019 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 1020 polydivisible number 1023 the highest number one can count to on one's fingers using binary; also the magic number used in Global Positioning System signals 1024 2^{10}, the number of bytes in a kilobyte (in 1999, the IEC coined kibibyte to use for 1024 with kilobyte being 1000, but this convention has not been widely adopted) 1027 sum of the squares of the first eight primes; can be written from base 2 to base 18 using only the digits 0 to 9. 1028 sum of totient function for first 58 integers; can be written from base 2 to base 18 using only the digits 0 to 9. 1029 can be written from base 2 to base 18 using only the digits 0 to 9. 1031 Sophie Germain prime 1033 locale ID of English (United States) in (some version of) Windows.(VS.80).aspx. 1035 triangular number, hexagonal number 1036 4444 in base-6 1049 Sophie Germain prime, highly cototient number 1051 centered pentagonal number 1055 555 in base-14 1056 pronic number 1060 sum of the first 25 primes 1064 888 in base-11 1071 heptagonal number 1072 centered heptagonal number 1079 every positive integer is the sum of at most 1079 tenth powers. 1080 pentagonal number 1081 triangular number, member of Padovan sequence 1086 Smith number, sum of totient function for first 59 integers 1087 Chen prime, cousin prime, lucky prime, Kynea number 1089 33^2, nonagonal number, centered octagonal number 1091 cousin prime and twin prime 1092 divisible by the number of primes below it 1093 the smallest Wieferich prime (the only other known Wieferich prime is 3511), twin prime and star number 1098 666 in base-13 1099 777 in base-12 1102 sum of totient function for first 60 integers 1103 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 1104 Keith number 1105 Carmichael number, magic constant of n × n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 13, decagonal number, centered square number, 1105 = 332 + 42 = 322 + 92 = 312 + 122 = 232 + 242 1111 repdigit 1116 divisible by the number of primes below it 1122 pronic number, divisible by the number of primes below it 1123 balanced prime 1124 Leyland number 1125 500 in base-15 1128 triangular number, hexagonal number, divisible by the number of primes below it 1134 divisible by the number of primes below it 1138 recurring number in the works of George Lucas and his companies, beginning with his first feature film – THX 1138; particularly, a special code for Easter eggs on Star Wars DVDs. 1140 tetrahedral number 1152 highly totient number 1153 Proth prime 1156 34^2, octahedral number, centered pentagonal number 1159 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1161 sum of the first 26 primes 1162 pentagonal number, sum of totient function for first 61 integers 1169 highly cototient number 1170 highest possible score in a National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) match 1176 triangular number 1177 heptagonal number 1183 700 in base-13 1184 amicable number with 1210 1187 safe prime, Stern prime, balanced prime 1190 pronic number 1192 sum of totient function for first 62 integers 1197 999 in base-11 1198 centered heptagonal number 1200 the number of households the Nielsen ratings sample 1201 centered square number 1205 555 in base-15 1210 amicable number with 1184 1216 nonagonal number 1217 Proth prime 1219 Mertens function zero 1220 Mertens function zero 1223 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 1225 35^2, triangular number, square triangular number, hexagonal number, centered octagonal number 1228 sum of totient function for first 63 integers 1229 Sophie Germain prime 1233 12^2 + 33^2 1234 consecutive digits 1240 square pyramidal number 1241 centered cube number 1242 decagonal number 1247 pentagonal number 1249 emirp, trimorphic number 1250 20000 in base-5 1255 Mertens function zero 1256 Mertens function zero 1258 Mertens function zero 1259 highly cototient number 1260 highly composite number, pronic number, the smallest vampire number, sum of totient function for first 64 integers, this number appears twice in the Book of Revelation 1261 star number, Mertens function zero 1264 sum of the first 27 primes 1266 centered pentagonal number, Mertens function zero 1270 Mertens function zero 1275 triangular number, sum of the first 50 natural numbers 1279 Mertens function zero 1280 Mertens function zero 1281 777 in base-13 1282 Mertens function zero 1283 safe prime 1285 Mertens function zero 1288 heptagonal number 1289 Sophie Germain prime, Mertens function zero 1291 Mertens function zero 1292 Mertens function zero 1295 5555 in base-6 1296 64, 362, sum of the cubes of the first eight positive integers, the number of rectangles on a normal 8 × 8 chessboard 1297 Mertens function zero 1299 Mertens function zero 1300 Sum of the first 4 fifth powers, mertens function zero, largest possible win margin in an NAQT match 1301 centered square number 1302 Mertens function zero 1306 Mertens function zero 1307 safe prime 1308 sum of totient function for first 65 integers 1309 the first sphenic number followed by two consecutive such number 1312 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1318 Mertens function zero 1319 safe prime 1325 Markov number 1326 triangular number, hexagonal number, Mertens function zero 1327 first prime followed by 32 consecutive composite numbers 1328 sum of totient function for first 66 integers 1329 Mertens function zero 1330 tetrahedral number, forms a Ruth–Aaron pair with 1331 under second definition 1331 113, centered heptagonal number, forms a Ruth–Aaron pair with 1330 under second definition. This is the only cube of the form x2+x-1, for x=36. 1332 pronic number 1335 pentagonal number, Mertens function zero 1336 Mertens function zero 1337 Used in the novel form of spelling called leet 1338 Mertens function zero 1342 Mertens function zero 1350 nonagonal number 1352 800 in base-13 1365 pentatope number, binary 10101010101 1367 safe prime, balanced prime 1369 372, centered octagonal number 1371 sum of the first 28 primes 1372 4000 in base-7 1378 triangular number 1379 magic constant of n × n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 14. 1381 centered pentagonal number 1387 5th Fermat pseudoprime of base 2, 22nd centered hexagonal number and the 19th decagonal number, second Super-Poulet number. 1394 sum of totient function for first 67 integers 1395 vampire number, member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1404 heptagonal number 1405 26^2 + 27^2, 7^2 + 8^2 + ... + 16^2, centered square number 1406 pronic number, semi-meandric number 1409 Sophie Germain prime, smallest number whose eighth power is the sum of 8 eighth powers, Proth prime 1413 999 in base-12 1419 Zeisel number 1425 self-descriptive number in base 5 1426 sum of totient function for first 68 integers, pentagonal number 1430 Catalan number 1431 triangular number, hexagonal number 1432 member of Padovan sequence 1433 Typical port used for remote connections to Microsoft SQL Server databases 1435 vampire number; the standard railway gauge in millimetres, equivalent to 4' 8½" 1439 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 1440 a highly totient number and a 481-gonal number. Also, the number of minutes in one day, the blocksize of a standard 3.5" floppy disk, and the horizontal resolution of WXGA(II) computer displays 1441 star number 1444 38^2, smallest pandigital number in Roman numerals 1446 666 in base-15 1451 Sophie Germain prime 1458 2000000 in base-3 1464 1111 in base-11 1469 octahedral number, highly cototient number 1470 pentagonal pyramidal number, sum of totient function for first 69 integers 1471 centered heptagonal number 1477 777 in base-14 1480 sum of the first 29 primes 1481 Sophie Germain prime 1482 pronic number 1485 triangular number 1487 safe prime 1490 tetranacci number 1491 nonagonal number, Mertens function zero 1492 Mertens function zero 1493 Stern prime 1494 sum of totient function for first 70 integers 1496 square pyramidal number 1499 Sophie Germain prime 1501 centered pentagonal number 1511 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 1513 centered square number 1518 Mertens function zero 1519 Mertens function zero 1520 pentagonal number, Mertens function zero, forms a Ruth–Aaron pair with 1521 under second definition 1521 39^2, Mertens function zero, centered octagonal number, forms a Ruth–Aaron pair with 1520 under second definition 1523 Mertens function zero, safe prime, member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1524 Mertens function zero 1525 heptagonal number, Mertens function zero 1527 Mertens function zero 1528 Mertens function zero 1530 vampire number 1531 Mertens function zero 1532 Mertens function zero 1535 Thabit number 1536 3000 in base-8 1537 Keith number, Mertens function zero 1540 triangular number, hexagonal number, decagonal number, tetrahedral number 1543 Mertens function zero 1544 Mertens function zero 1546 Mertens function zero 1555 11111 in base-6 1556 sum of the squares of the first nine primes 1559 Sophie Germain prime 1560 pronic number 1562 22222 in base-5 1564 sum of totient function for first 71 integers 1568 800 in base-14 1572 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1575 odd abundant number 1583 Sophie Germain prime 1588 sum of totient function for first 72 integers 1593 sum of the first 30 primes 1596 triangular number 1597 Fibonacci number, Markov number, Prime number, emirp 1600 40^2, street number on Pennsylvania Avenue of the White House, Meters; Common High School Track Event, perfect score on SAT 1601 Sophie Germain prime, Proth prime, the novel 1601 (Mark Twain) 1617 pentagonal number 1618 centered heptagonal number 1619 safe prime 1625 centered square number 1626 centered pentagonal number 1633 star number 1638 harmonic divisor number 1639 nonagonal number 1640 pronic number 1647 999 in base-13 1649 highly cototient number, Leyland number 1651 heptagonal number 1653 triangular number, hexagonal number 1657 cuban prime 1660 sum of totient function for first 73 integers 1666 largest efficient pandigital number in Roman numerals (each symbol occurs exactly once) 1679 highly cototient number, semiprime (23 × 73, see also Arecibo message) 1680 highly composite number 1681 41^2, smallest number yielded by the formula n^2 + n + 41 that is not a prime; centered octagonal number 1682 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair (first definition) 1683 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair (first definition) 1687 777 in base-15 1688 888 in base-14 1695 magic constant of n × n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 15. 1696 sum of totient function for first 74 integers 1701 decagonal number, hull number of the U.S.S. Enterprise on Star Trek 1705 tribonacci number 1709 first of a sequence of eight primes formed by adding 57 in the middle. 1709, 175709, 17575709, 1757575709, 175757575709, 17575757575709, 1757575757575709 and 175757575757575709 are all prime, but 17575757575757575709 = 232433 × 75616446785773 1711 triangular number 1715 5000 in base-7 1717 pentagonal number 1720 sum of the first 31 primes 1722 Giuga number, pronic number 1728 the quantity expressed as 1000 in duodecimal, that is, the cube of twelve (called a great gross), and so, the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot 1729 taxicab number, Carmichael number, Zeisel number, centered cube number, Hardy–Ramanujan number. In the decimal expansion of e the first time all 10 digits appear in sequence starts at the 1729th decimal place. In 1979 the rock musical Hair closed on Broadway in New York City after 1729 performances. 1733 Sophie Germain prime 1736 sum of totient function for first 75 integers 1741 centered square number 1747 balanced prime 1753 balanced prime 1755 3333 in base-8 1756 centered pentagonal number 1764 42^2 1770 triangular number, hexagonal number, Town of Seventeen Seventy in Australia 1771 tetrahedral number 1772 centered heptagonal number, sum of totient function for first 76 integers 1782 heptagonal number 1785 square pyramidal number 1791 largest natural number that cannot be expressed as a sum of at most four hexagonal numbers. 1792 700 in base-16 1794 nonagonal number 1800 pentagonal pyramidal number, also, in da Ponte's Don Giovanni, the number of women Don Giovanni had slept with so far when confronted by Donna Elvira, according to Leporello's tally 1801 cuban prime 1806 pronic number, product of first four terms of Sylvester's sequence, primary pseudoperfect number 1807 fifth term of Sylvester's sequence 1811 Sophie Germain prime 1820 pentagonal number, pentatope number 1821 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1823 safe prime 1827 vampire number 1828 meandric number, open meandric number 1830 triangular number 1832 sum of totient function for first 77 integers 1834 octahedral number, sum of the cubes of the first five primes 1836 factor by which a proton is more massive than an electron 1837 star number 1841 Mertens function zero 1843 Mertens function zero 1844 Mertens function zero 1845 Mertens function zero 1849 43^2, centered octagonal number 1851 sum of the first 32 primes 1853 Mertens function zero 1854 Mertens function zero 1856 sum of totient function for first 78 integers 1857 Mertens function zero 1861 centered square number, Mertens function zero 1862 Mertens function zero, forms a Ruth–Aaron pair with 1863 under second definition 1863 Mertens function zero, forms a Ruth–Aaron pair with 1862 under second definition 1864 Mertens function zero 1866 Mertens function zero 1870 decagonal number 1875 30000 in base-5 1885 Zeisel number 1889 Sophie Germain prime, highly cototient number 1891 triangular number, hexagonal number, centered pentagonal number 1892 pronic number 1896 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 1897 member of Padovan sequence 1899 999 in base-14 1900 1900 (film) or Novecento, 1977 movie 1901 Sophie Germain prime 1907 safe prime, balanced prime 1909 hyperperfect number 1911 777 in base-16 1918 heptagonal number 1926 pentagonal number 1928 888 in base-15 1929 Mertens function zero 1931 Sophie Germain prime 1933 centered heptagonal number, prime number 1934 sum of totient function for first 79 integers 1936 44^2 1938 Mertens function zero 1951 cuban prime, prime followed by a prime gap of 22. 1953 triangular number 1956 nonagonal number 1966 sum of totient function for first 80 integers 1973 Sophie Germain prime 1980 pronic number 1984 11111000000 in binary, see also: 1984 (disambiguation) 1985 centered square number 1988 sum of the first 33 primes 2000 round number 2001 sphenic number 2003 Sophie Germain prime and the smallest prime number in 2000's 2005 A vertically symmetric number 2009 7^4 - 7^3 - 7^2 2011 Sexy prime number. Also, sum of eleven consecutive primes: 2011=157+163+167+173+179+181+191+193+197+199+211. 2015 Lucas–Carmichael number 2016 triangular number 2017 Mertens function zero. (2011, 2017) is a sexy prime pair. 2020 sum of the totient function for the first 81 integers 2024 tetrahedral number 2025 45^2, sum of the cubes of the first nine integers, centered octagonal number 2027 safe prime 2029 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 2030 21^2 + 22^2 + 23^2 + 24^2, 25^2 + 26^2 + 27^2 2031 centered pentagonal number 2039 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 2047 super-Poulet number, Woodall number, decagonal number. Also, 2047 = 211 − 1 = 23 × 89 and is the first Mersenne number that is composite for a prime exponent. 2048 power of two 2056 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 16. 2058 6000 in base-7 2060 sum of the totient function for the first 82 integers 2063 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 2069 Sophie Germain prime 2070 pronic number 2080 triangular number 2093 Mertens function zero 2095 Mertens function zero 2096 Mertens function zero 2097 Mertens function zero 2099 Mertens function zero, safe prime, highly cototient number 2100 Mertens function zero 2101 centered heptagonal number 2107 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2108 (first definition) 2108 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2107 (first definition) 2109 square pyramidal number 2112 The break-through album of the band Rush 2113 Mertens function zero, Proth prime, centered square number 2116 46^2 2117 Mertens function zero 2119 Mertens function zero 2120 Mertens function zero 2122 Mertens function zero 2125 nonagonal number 2127 sum of the first 34 primes 2129 Sophie Germain prime 2135 Mertens function zero 2136 Mertens function zero 2138 Mertens function zero 2141 Sophie Germain prime 2142 sum of the totient function for the first 83 integers 2143 almost exactly 22π4 2145 triangular number 2162 pronic number 2166 sum of the totient function for the first 84 integers 2169 Leyland number 2171 Mertens function zero 2172 Mertens function zero 2175 smallest number requiring 143 seventh powers for Waring representation 2176 pentagonal pyramidal number, centered pentagonal number 2178 reverses when multiplied by 4 2179 Wedderburn–Etherington number 2184 888 in base-16 2186 2222222 in base-3 2187 3^7, vampire number, perfect totient number 2188 Motzkin number 2197 13^3 2199 perfect totient number 2201 only non-palindromic number whose cube is palindromic, also no fourth or higher powers are palindromic for non-palindromic numbers 2205 odd abundant number 2207 safe prime, Lucas prime 2208 Keith number 2209 47^2, centered octagonal number 2211 triangular number 2222 repdigit 2223 Kaprekar number 2230 sum of the totient function for the first 85 integers 2232 decagonal number 2245 centered square number 2254 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 2255 octahedral number 2256 pronic number 2269 cuban prime 2272 sum of the totient function for the first 86 integers 2273 Sophie Germain prime 2276 sum of the first 35 primes, centered heptagonal number 2278 triangular number 2287 balanced prime 2294 Mertens function zero 2295 Mertens function zero 2296 Mertens function zero 2299 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2300 (first definition) 2300 tetrahedral number, member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2299 (first definition) 2301 nonagonal number 2304 48^2 2306 Mertens function zero 2309 primorial prime, Mertens function zero, highly cototient number 2310 fifth primorial 2311 primorial prime 2321 Mertens function zero 2322 Mertens function zero 2326 centered pentagonal number 2328 sum of the totient function for the first 87 integers 2331 centered cube number 2338 Mertens function zero 2339 Sophie Germain prime 2340 4444 in base-8 2343 33333 in base-5 2345 consecutive digits 2346 triangular number 2351 Sophie Germain prime 2352 pronic number 2357 Smarandache–Wellin prime 2368 sum of the totient function for the first 88 integers 2378 Pell number 2379 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 2380 1111 in base-13 2381 centered square number 2393 Sophie Germain prime 2397 sum of the squares of the first ten primes 2399 Sophie Germain prime 2400 perfect score on SAT tests administered after 2005 2401 7^4, 49^2, centered octagonal number 2415 triangular number 2417 balanced prime 2425 decagonal number 2427 sum of the first 36 primes 2431 product of three consecutive primes 2437 cuban prime 2447 safe prime 2450 pronic number 2456 sum of the totient function for the first 89 integers 2457 999 in base-16 2458 centered heptagonal number 2459 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 2460 3333 in base-9 2465 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 17, Carmichael number 2470 square pyramidal number 2480 sum of the totient function for the first 90 integers 2481 centered pentagonal number 2484 nonagonal number 2485 triangular number 2491 member of Ruth–Aaron pair with 2492 under second definition 2492 member of Ruth–Aaron pair with 2491 under second definition 2500 50^2 2501 Mertens function zero 2502 Mertens function zero 2510 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 2513 member of the Padovan sequence 2517 Mertens function zero 2519 the smallest number congruent to 1 (mod 2), 2 (mod 3), 3 (mod 4), ..., 9 (mod 10) 2520 superior highly composite number; smallest number divisible by numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 ; colossally abundant number; Harshad number in several bases. It is also the highest number with more divisors than any number less than double itself.(sequence A072938 in OEIS) Not only is it the 7th (and last) number with more divisors than any number double itself but it also the 7th number that is highly composite and the lowest common multiple of a consecutive set of integers from 1 (sequence A095921 in OEIS) which is a property the previous number with this pattern of divisors does not have (360). That is, although 360 and 2520 both have more divisors than any number twice themselves, 2520 is the lowest number divisible by both 1 to 9 and 1 to 10, whereas 360 is not the lowest number divisible by 1 to 6 (which 60 is) and is not divisible by 1 to 7 (which 420 is). It is also the 6th and largest highly composite number that is a divisor of every higher highly composite number.(sequence A106037 in OEIS) 2521 centered square number 2522 Mertens function zero 2523 Mertens function zero 2524 Mertens function zero 2525 Mertens function zero 2530 Mertens function zero, Leyland number 2533 Mertens function zero 2537 Mertens function zero 2538 Mertens function zero 2543 Sophie Germain prime 2549 Sophie Germain prime 2550 pronic number 2552 sum of the totient function for the first 91 integers 2556 triangular number 2560 5000 in base-8 2567 Mertens function zero 2568 Mertens function zero. Also number of digits in the decimal expansion of 1000!, or the product of all natural numbers from 1 to 1000. 2570 Mertens function zero 2579 safe prime 2580 Keith number 2584 Fibonacci number, sum of the first 37 primes 2592 20000 in base-6 2596 sum of the totient function for the first 92 integers 2600 tetrahedral number, member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2601 (first definition) 2601 51^2, member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2600 (first definition) 2620 amicable number with 2924 2626 decagonal number 2628 triangular number 2632 number of consecutive baseball games played by Cal Ripken, Jr. 2641 centered pentagonal number 2647 centered heptagonal number 2652 pronic number 2656 sum of the totient function for the first 93 integers 2662 2000 in base-11 2665 centered square number 2674 nonagonal number 2677 balanced prime 2680 number of 11-queens problem solutions 2689 Mertens function zero, Proth prime 2693 Sophie Germain prime 2699 Sophie Germain prime 2701 triangular number, super-Poulet number 2702 sum of the totient function for the first 94 integers 2704 52^2 2728 Kaprekar number 2729 highly cototient number 2730 binary 101010101010 2731 Wagstaff prime 2736 octahedral number 2741 Sophie Germain prime 2744 14^3 2747 sum of the first 38 primes 2753 Sophie Germain prime, Proth prime 2756 pronic number 2774 sum of the totient function for the first 95 integers 2775 triangular number 2780 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 2783 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2784 (first definition) 2784 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 2783 (first definition) 2791 cuban prime 2801 first base 7 repunit prime 2806 centered pentagonal number, sum of the totient function for the first 96 integers 2809 53^2, centered octagonal number 2813 centered square number 2819 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 2821 Carmichael number 2835 odd abundant number, decagonal number 2843 centered heptagonal prime 2850 triangular number 2862 pronic number 2870 square pyramidal number 2871 nonagonal number 2872 tetranacci number 2879 safe prime 2897 Markov number 2902 sum of the totient function for the first 97 integers 2903 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime, balanced prime 2914 sum of the first 39 primes 2915 Lucas–Carmichael number 2916 54^2 2924 amicable number with 2620 2925 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 18, tetrahedral number, member of the Mian-Chowla sequence 2926 triangular number 2928 2222 in base-11 2939 Sophie Germain prime 2944 sum of the totient function for the first 98 integers 2955 1111 in base-14 2963 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime, balanced prime 2965 greater of second pair of Smith brothers, centered square number 2969 Sophie Germain prime 2970 harmonic divisor number, pronic number 2976 centered pentagonal number 2997 chiliagonal number 2999 safe prime 3000 round number 3003 triangular number, only number known to appear eight times in Pascal's triangle; no number is known to appear more than eight times other than 1. (see Singmaster's conjecture) 3023 84th Sophie Germain prime, 51st safe prime 3025 55 2, sum of the cubes of the first ten integers, centered octagonal number 3045 sum of the integers 196 to 210 and sum of the integers 211 to 224 3046 centered heptagonal number 3052 decagonal number 3059 centered cube number 3063 perfect totient number 3071 Thabit number 3072 300000 in base-4 3075 nonagonal number 3078 18th pentagonal pyramidal number 3080 pronic number 3081 triangular number, 497th sphenic number 3087 sum of first 40 primes 3110 22222 in base-6 3119 safe prime 3121 centered square number 3124 44444 in base-5 3125 55 3136 562, tribonacci number 3137 Proth prime 3149 highly cototient number 3155 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 3160 triangular number 3167 safe prime 3169 Cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 3192 pronic number 3203 safe prime 3240 triangular number 3248 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair with 3249 under second definition, largest number whose factorial is less than 1010000 – hence its factorial is the largest certain advanced computer programs can handle. 3249 57 2, centered octagonal number, member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 3248 under second definition 3256 centered heptagonal number 3266 sum of first 41 primes, 523rd sphenic number 3276 tetrahedral number 3277 5th super-Poulet number, decagonal number 3280 11111111 in base-3 3281 octahedral number, centered square number 3286 nonagonal number 3299 85th Sophie Germain prime 3306 pronic number 3307 balanced prime 3313 balanced prime 3321 triangular number 3329 86th Sophie Germain prime, Proth prime, member of the Padovan sequence 3333 repdigit 3354 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 3358 sum of the squares of the first eleven primes 3359 87th Sophie Germain prime, highly cototient number 3364 582 3375 15th cube 3389 88th Sophie Germain prime 3403 triangular number 3413 89th Sophie Germain prime 3422 pronic number, 553rd sphenic number, melting point of tungsten in degrees Celsius 3435 a perfect digit-to-digit invariant, equal to the sum of its digits to their own powers (33 + 44 + 33 + 55 = 3435) 3439 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 19. 3445 centered square number 3447 sum of first 42 primes 3449 90th Sophie Germain prime 3456 consecutive digits 3457 Proth prime 3467 safe prime 3469 Cuban prime of the form x = y + 2 3473 centered heptagonal number 3481 592, centered octagonal number 3486 triangular number 3491 91st Sophie Germain prime 3504 nonagonal number 3510 decagonal number 3511 largest known Wieferich prime 3539 92nd Sophie Germain prime 3540 pronic number 3569 highly cototient number 3570 triangular number 3571 500th prime, Cuban prime of the form x = y + 1, 17th Lucas number, 4th balanced prime of order 4. 3584 7000 in base-8 3591 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 3593 93rd Sophie Germain prime 3600 602, number of seconds in an hour, 1201-gonal number 3610 19th pentagonal pyramidal number 3613 centered square number 3616 1111 in base-15 3623 94th Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 3637 balanced prime 3638 sum of first 43 primes, 599th sphenic number 3645 5000 in base-9 3654 tetrahedral number 3655 triangular number, 601st sphenic number 3660 pronic number 3684 13th Keith number 3697 centered heptagonal number 3721 612, centered octagonal number 3729 nonagonal number 3733 balanced prime 3741 triangular number, 618th sphenic number 3751 decagonal number 3761 95th Sophie Germain prime 3770 2222 in base-12 3779 96th Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 3782 pronic number, 623rd sphenic number 3785 centered square number 3797 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 3803 97th Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 3821 98th Sophie Germain prime 3828 triangular number 3831 sum of first 44 primes 3844 622 3851 99th Sophie Germain prime 3863 100th Sophie Germain prime 3865 greater of third pair of Smith brothers 3888 longest number when expressed in Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, and M (MMMDCCCLXXXVIII) 3889 Cuban prime of the form x = y + 2 3894 octahedral number 3906 pronic number 3911 101st Sophie Germain prime 3916 triangular number 3925 centered cube number 3926 12th open meandric number, 654th sphenic number 3928 centered heptagonal number 3947 safe prime 3961 nonagonal number, centered square number 3967 Carol number 3969 632, centered octagonal number 3989 highly cototient number 3993 3000 in base-11 3998 member of the Mian–Chowla sequence 3999 largest number properly expressible using Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, and M (MMMCMXCIX) 4000 (four thousand) is the natural number following 3999 and preceding 4001. It is a decagonal number 4005 triangular number 4007 safe prime 4010 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 20. 4013 balanced prime 4019 Sophie Germain prime 4028 sum of the first 45 primes 4030 third weird number 4031 sum of the cubes of the first six primes 4032 pronic number 4033 sixth super-Poulet number; strong pseudoprime in base 2 4060 tetrahedral number 4073 Sophie Germain prime 4079 safe prime 4092 an occasional glitch in the game The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time causes the Gossip Stones to say this number 4095 triangular number, odd abundant number, Mersenne number 4096 power of two 2^{12}; 64^2; 16th cube; smallest number with exactly 13 divisors; a superperfect number 4100 5555 in base-9 4104 2^3 + 16^3 = 9^3 + 15^3 (taxicab number) 4127 safe prime 4139 safe prime 4140 Bell number 4141 centered square number 4147 smallest cyclic number in duodecimal 4160 pronic number 4166 centered heptagonal number, 7! − 6! − 5! − 4! − 3! − 2! − 1! − 0! 4167 7! − 6! − 5! − 4! − 3! − 2! − 1! 4168 7! − 6! − 5! − 4! − 3! − 2! 4170 7! − 6! − 5! − 4! − 3! 4176 7! − 6! − 5! − 4! 4181 Fibonacci number, Markov number 4186 triangular number 4187 factor of R13. Also record number of wickets taken in first-class cricket by Wilfred Rhodes. 4199 highly cototient number, product of three consecutive primes 4200 nonagonal number, pentagonal pyramidal number, 7! − 6! − 5! 4210 11th semi-meandric number 4211 Sophie Germain prime 4219 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 4223 Kynea number 4225 65^2, centered octagonal number 4227 sum of the first 46 primes 4240 Leyland number 4257 decagonal number 4259 safe prime 4271 Sophie Germain prime 4278 triangular number 4283 safe prime 4289 highly cototient number 4290 pronic number 4320 7! − 6! 4321 consecutive digits 4324 23rd square pyramidal number 4325 centered square number 4349 Sophie Germain prime 4356 66^2, sum of the cubes of the first eleven integers 4359 perfect totient number 4369 seventh super-Poulet number 4371 triangular number 4373 Sophie Germain prime 4374 20000000 in base-3 4375 perfect totient number (the smallest not divisible by 3) 4391 Sophie Germain prime 4392 3333 in base-11 4394 2000 in base-13 4397 Year of Comet Hale–Bopp's return, a prime number 4400 the number of missing persons in the sci-fi show The 4400 4409 Sophie Germain prime, highly cototient number, balanced prime 4411 centered heptagonal number 4421 alternating factorial 4422 pronic number 4438 sum of the first 47 primes 4444 repdigit 4446 nonagonal number 4447 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 4457 balanced prime 4465 triangular number 4481 Sophie Germain prime 4489 67^2, centered octagonal number 4495 tetrahedral number 4503 largest number not the sum of four or fewer squares of composites 4505 fifth Zeisel number 4513 centered square number 4522 decagonal number 4547 safe prime 4556 pronic number 4560 triangular number 4567 consecutive digits 4579 octahedral number 4597 balanced prime 4607 Woodall number 4619 highly cototient number 4624 68^2 4641 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 21. 4656 triangular number 4657 balanced prime 4661 sum of the first 48 primes 4663 centered heptagonal number 4665 33333 in base-6 4679 safe prime 4681 eighth super-Poulet number 4691 balanced prime 4692 pronic number 4699 nonagonal number 4703 safe prime 4705 48^2 + 49^2 = 17^2 + 18^2 + ... + 26^2, centered square number 4727 sum of the squares of the first twelve primes 4733 Sophie Germain prime 4753 triangular number 4760 2222 in base-13 4761 69^2, centered octagonal number 4787 safe prime 4788 14th Keith number 4793 Sophie Germain prime 4795 decagonal number 4799 safe prime 4801 cuban prime of the form x = y + 2, smallest prime with a composite sum of digits in base 7 4802 20000 in base-7 4830 pronic number 4851 triangular number, pentagonal pyramidal number 4862 Catalan number 4871 Sophie Germain prime 4879 11th Kaprekar number 4888 sum of the first 49 primes 4900 70^2, the only square-pyramidal square other than 1[1] 4901 centered square number 4913 17th cube 4919 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 4920 6666 in base-9 4922 centered heptagonal number 4941 centered cube number 4943 Sophie Germain prime 4950 triangular number, 12th Kaprekar number 4959 nonagonal number 4960 tetrahedral number; greater of fourth pair of Smith brothers 4970 pronic number 4991 Lucas–Carmichael number 4993 balanced prime 5000 round number 5003 Sophie Germain prime 5020 amicable number with 5564 5039 factorial prime, Sophie Germain prime 5040 7!, superior highly composite number 5041 71^2, centered octagonal number 5050 triangular number, Kaprekar number, sum of first 100 integers 5051 Sophie Germain prime 5076 decagonal number 5081 Sophie Germain prime 5087 safe prime 5099 safe prime 5103 7000 in base-9 5107 balanced prime 5113 balanced prime 5151 triangular number 5167 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 5171 Sophie Germain prime 5184 72^2 5186 φ(5186) = 2592 5187 φ(5187) = 2592 5188 φ(5189) = 2592, centered heptagonal number 5226 nonagonal number 5231 Sophie Germain prime 5244 22^2 + 23^2 + ... + 29^2 = 20^2 + 21^2 + ... + 28^2 5249 highly cototient number 5253 triangular number 5279 Sophie Germain prime 5280 is the number of feet in a mile. It is evenly divisible by three, yielding exactly 1760 yards per mile and by 16.5, yielding exactly 320 rods per mile. 5292 Kaprekar number 5303 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 5324 4000 in base-11 5329 73^2, centered octagonal number 5333 Sophie Germain prime 5335 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-queens problem for n = 22. 5340 octahedral number 5356 triangular number 5365 decagonal number 5387 safe prime, balanced prime 5392 Leyland number 5393 balanced prime 5399 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 5405 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 5406 (either definition) 5406 member of a Ruth–Aaron pair with 5405 (either definition) 5419 Cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 5432 consecutive digits 5441 Sophie Germain prime 5456 tetrahedral number 5459 highly cototient number 5460 triangular number 5461 super-Poulet number, centered heptagonal number, binary 1010101010101 5476 74^2 5483 safe prime 5488 2000 in base-14 5500 nonagonal number 5501 Sophie Germain prime 5507 safe prime 5525 square pyramidal number 5536 tetranacci number 5555 repdigit 5563 balanced prime 5564 amicable number with 5020 5565 triangular number 5566 pentagonal pyramidal number 5571 perfect totient number 5602 22222 in base-7 5625 75^2, centered octagonal number 5639 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 5655 3333 in base-12 5662 decagonal number 5671 triangular number 5678 consecutive digits 5711 Sophie Germain prime 5719 Zeisel number, Lucas–Carmichael number 5740 7777 in base-9 5741 Sophie Germain prime, Pell number, Markov number, centered heptagonal number 5768 tribonacci number 5776 76^2 5777 smallest counterexample to the conjecture that all odd numbers are of the form p + 2a^2 5778 triangular number 5781 nonagonal number 5798 Motzkin number 5807 safe prime, balanced prime 5832 183 5849 Sophie Germain prime 5856 4444 in base-11 5879 safe prime, highly cototient number 5886 triangular number 5903 Sophie Germain prime 5910 2222 in base-14 5913 sum of the first seven factorials 5927 safe prime 5929 77^2, centered octagonal number 5939 safe prime 5967 decagonal number 5984 tetrahedral number 5995 triangular number 6000 (six thousand) is the natural number following 5999 and preceding 6001 6028 centered heptagonal number 6047 safe prime 6053 Sophie Germain prime 6069 nonagonal number 6073 balanced prime 6084 78^2, sum of the cubes of the first twelve integers 6089 highly cototient number 6095 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-Queens Problem for n = 23. 6101 Sophie Germain prime 6105 triangular number 6113 Sophie Germain prime 6131 Sophie Germain prime 6143 Thabit number 6173 Sophie Germain prime 6174 Kaprekar's constant 6181 octahedral number 6200 harmonic divisor number 6201 square pyramidal number 6211 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 6216 triangular number 6220 44444 in base-6 6232 amicable number with 6368 6241 79^2, centered octagonal number 6250 Leyland number 6263 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 6269 Sophie Germain prime 6280 decagonal number 6317 balanced prime 6322 centered heptagonal number 6323 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 6328 triangular number 6329 Sophie Germain prime 6348 pentagonal pyramidal number 6364 nonagonal number 6367 balanced prime 6368 amicable number with 6232 6373 balanced prime 6399 smallest integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of fewer than 279 eighth powers 6400 80^2 6408 sum of the squares of the first thirteen primes 6441 triangular number 6449 Sophie Germain prime 6466 Markov number 6480 50000 in base-6 6491 Sophie Germain prime 6509 highly cototient number 6521 Sophie Germain prime 6543 consecutive digits 6545 tetrahedral number 6551 Sophie Germain prime 6555 triangular number 6556 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair with 6557 (first definition) 6557 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair with 6556 (first definition) 6560 22222222 in base-3 6561 3^8, 81^2, perfect totient number, centered octagonal number 6563 Sophie Germain prime 6581 Sophie Germain prime 6591 3000 in base-13 6599 safe prime 6601 Carmichael number, decagonal number 6623 centered heptagonal number 6655 5000 in base-11 6659 safe prime 6666 nonagonal number 6670 triangular number 6719 safe prime, highly cototient number 6724 82^2 6728 number of domino tilings of a 6×6 checkerboard 6750 2000 in base-15 6761 Sophie Germain prime 6765 20th Fibonacci number 6779 safe prime 6786 triangular number 6789 consecutive digits 6811 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair with 6812 (first definition) 6812 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair with 6811 (first definition) 6827 safe prime 6863 balanced prime 6880 vampire number 6889 83^2, centered octagonal number 6899 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 6903 triangular number 6912 4000 in base-12 6924 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-Queens Problem for n = 24. 6929 highly cototient number 6930 decagonal number, square pyramidal number 6931 centered heptagonal number 6975 nonagonal number 6977 balanced prime 6983 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 7000 (seven thousand) is the natural number following 6999 and preceding 7001 7021 triangular number 7043 Sophie Germain prime 7056 84^2 7057 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 7073 Leyland number 7079 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 7103 Sophie Germain prime 7106 octahedral number 7121 Sophie Germain prime 7140 triangular number, also a pronic number and hence 7140/2=3570 is also a triangular number, tetrahedral number 7151 Sophie Germain prime 7187 safe prime 7192 weird number 7193 Sophie Germain prime 7200 pentagonal pyramidal number 7203 30000 in base-7 7211 Sophie Germain prime 7225 85^2, centered octagonal number 7230 36^2 + 37^2 + 38^2 + 39^2 + 40^2 = 41^2 + 42^2 + 43^2 + 44^2 7232 2222 in base-15 7246 centered heptagonal number 7247 safe prime 7260 triangular number 7267 decagonal number 7272 Kaprekar number 7291 nonagonal number 7320 5555 in base-11 7349 Sophie Germain prime 7351 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 7381 triangular number 7385 Keith number 7396 86^2 7433 Sophie Germain prime 7471 centered cube number 7503 triangular number 7523 balanced prime, safe prime 7540 4444 in base-12 7541 Sophie Germain prime 7559 safe prime 7560 highly composite number 7561 Markov number 7568 centered heptagonal number 7569 87^2, centered octagonal number 7583 balanced prime 7607 safe prime 7612 decagonal number 7614 nonagonal number 7626 triangular number 7643 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime 7647 Keith number 7649 Sophie Germain prime 7654 consecutive digits 7691 Sophie Germain prime 7699 emirp, sum of first 60 primes 7703 safe prime 7714 square pyramidal number 7727 safe prime 7744 88^2, square nialpdrome not ending in 0 7750 triangular number 7770 tetrahedral number 7775 55555 in base-6 7776 6^5 7777 Kaprekar number 7810 ISO/IEC 7810 is the ISO's standard for physical characteristics of identification cards 7812 222222 in base-5 7823 Sophie Germain prime, safe prime, balanced prime 7825 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-Queens Problem for n = 25. 7841 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 7875 triangular number 7883 Sophie Germain prime 7897 centered heptagonal number 7901 Sophie Germain prime 7909 Keith number 7912 weird number 7920 the order of the Mathieu group M11, the smallest sporadic simple group 7921 89^2, centered octagonal number 7944 nonagonal number 7957 super-Poulet number 7965 decagonal number 7979 highly cototient number 7986 6000 in base-11 8000 (eight thousand) is the natural number following 7999 and preceding 8001 8001 triangular number 8002 Mertens function zero 8011 Mertens function zero 8012 Mertens function zero 8017 Mertens function zero 8021 Mertens function zero 8039 safe prime 8069 Sophie Germain prime 8093 Sophie Germain prime 8100 90^2 8111 Sophie Germain prime 8117 balanced prime 8119 octahedral number 8125 pentagonal pyramidal number 8128 perfect number, harmonic divisor number, 127th triangular number, 64th hexagonal number, eighth 292-gonal number, fourth 1356-gonal number 8147 safe prime 8189 highly cototient number 8190 harmonic divisor number 8191 Mersenne prime 8192 power of two 8208 base 10 narcissistic number as 8^4+2^4+0^4+8^4=8208 8232 3000 in base-14 8233 centered heptagonal number 8243 Sophie Germain prime 8256 triangular number 8257 sum of the squares of the first fourteen primes 8269 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 8273 Sophie Germain prime 8281 91^2, sum of the cubes of the first thirteen integers, nonagonal number, centered octagonal number 8321 super-Poulet number 8326 decagonal number 8361 Leyland number 8385 triangular number 8403 33333 in base-7 8423 safe prime 8436 tetrahedral number 8464 92^2 8513 Sophie Germain prime 8515 triangular number 8543 safe prime 8555 square pyramidal number 8576 centered heptagonal number 8625 enneagonal number 8640 5000 in base-12 8646 triangular number 8649 93^2, centered octagonal number 8663 Sophie Germain prime 8693 Sophie Germain prime 8695 decagonal number 8699 safe prime 8712 smallest number that is divisible by its reverse: 8712 = 4×2178 (excluding palindromes and numbers with trailing zeros) 8713 balanced prime 8738 2222 in base-16 8741 Sophie Germain prime 8747 safe prime, balanced prime 8751 perfect totient number 8765 consecutive digits 8778 triangular number 8783 safe prime 8784 6666 in base-11 8788 4000 in base-13 8801 magic constant of n×n normal magic square and n-Queens Problem for n = 26. 8819 safe prime 8833 88^2 + 33^2 8836 94^2 8855 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair (first definition) with 8856 8856 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair (first definition) with 8855 8865 3333 in base-14 8888 repdigit 8911 Carmichael number, triangular number 8926 centered heptagonal number 8944 sum of the cubes of the first seven primes 8951 Sophie Germain prime 8963 safe prime 8969 Sophie Germain prime 8976 enneagonal number 9000 (nine thousand) is the natural number following 8999 and preceding 9001 9009 centered cube number 9025 952, centered octagonal number 9029 Sophie Germain prime 9045 triangular number 9059 Sophie Germain prime 9072 decagonal number 9077 Markov number 9091 unique prime 9126 pentagonal pyramidal number 9139 tetrahedral number 9180 triangular number 9216 962 9221 Sophie Germain prime 9224 octahedral number 9241 cuban prime of the form x = y + 1 9261 213, largest 4 digit perfect cube 9272 weird number 9283 centered heptagonal number 9293 Sophie Germain prime 9316 triangular number 9317 7000 in base-11 9331 111111 in base-6 9334 nonagonal number 9349 Lucas prime 9362 22222 in base-8 9371 Sophie Germain prime 9375 300000 in base-5 9397 balanced prime 9409 972, centered octagonal number 9419 Sophie Germain prime 9425 5555 in base-12 9453 triangular number 9455 square pyramidal number 9457 decagonal number 9467 safe prime 9473 Sophie Germain prime, balanced prime 9479 Sophie Germain prime 9520 4444 in base-13 9539 Sophie Germain prime 9587 safe prime 9591 triangular number 9604 982 9629 Sophie Germain prime 9647 centered heptagonal number 9660 ISO 9660 standard for CD-ROM file system 9689 Sophie Germain prime 9699 nonagonal number 9730 triangular number 9743 safe prime 9791 Sophie Germain prime 9800 member of a Ruth-Aaron pair (first definition) with 9801 9801 992, centered octagonal number, member of a Ruth-Aaron pair (first definition) with 9800 9839 safe prime 9841 111111111 in base-3 9850 decagonal number 9855 magic constant of n × n normal magic square and n-Queens Problem for n = 27. 9870 triangular number 9871 balanced prime 9876 consecutive digits 9880 tetrahedral number 9887 safe prime 9899 ISO 9899 standard for C programming language 9901 unique prime 9923 probably smallest certainly executable prime number on x86 MS-DOS 9999 repdigit 10000 round number 10033 a character from the fictional Vlog series lonelygirl15 10080 highly composite number; number of minutes in a week 10125 3000 in base-15 10201 palindromic square (in the decimal system) 10206 pentagonal pyramidal number 10223 smallest of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem 10239 Woodall number 10248 7777 in base-11 10267 cuban prime 10301 palindromic prime (in the decimal system) 10333 star prime 10368 6000 in base-12 10416 square pyramidal number 10425 octahedral number 10430 weird number 10440 144th triangular number 10501 palindromic prime 10538 a hit single by Electric Light Orchestra 10570 weird number 10585 Carmichael number 10601 palindromic prime 10609 tribonacci number 10646 ISO 10646 is the standard for Unicode 10648 8000 in base-11 10660 tetrahedral number 10671 tetranacci number 10744 amicable number with 10856 10752 the second 16-bit word of a TIFF file if the byte order marker is misunderstood 10792 weird number 10800 number of bricks used for the uttaravedi in the Agnicayana ritual 10837 star prime 10848 3333 in base-15 10856 amicable number with 10744 10905 Wedderburn–Etherington number 10922 binary 10101010101010 10946 Fibonacci number, Markov number 10976 4000 in base-14 10985 5000 in base-13 10989 reverses when multiplied by 9 10990 weird number 11025 sum of the cubes of the first 14 positive integers 11111 repdigit 11204 44444 in base-7 11310 6666 in base-12 11311 palindromic prime 11353 star prime 11368 pentagonal pyramidal number 11410 weird number 11411 palindromic prime 11440 square pyramidal number 11480 tetrahedral number 11605 smallest integer to start a run of five consecutive integers with the same number of divisors 11690 weird number 11712 8888 in base-11 11718 333333 in base-5 11719 cuban prime 11726 octahedral number 11820 4444 in base-14 11826 smallest number whose square (algebra) is pandigital but lacks zeros. 11900 5555 in base-13 11979 9000 in base-11 12005 50000 in base-7 12096 7000 in base-12 12097 cuban prime 12110 weird number 12198 semi-meandric number 12285 amicable number with 14595 12287 Thabit number 12288 3000000 in base-4 12321 palindromic square 12341 tetrahedral number 12345 consecutive digits 12421 palindromic prime 12500 400000 in base-5 12529 square pyramidal number 12530 weird number 12670 weird number 12721 palindromic prime 12726 Ruth–Aaron pair 12758 largest number that cannot be expressed as the sum of distinct cubes 12765 Finnish internet meme; the code accompanying no-prize caps in a Coca-Cola bottle top prize contest. Often spelled out yksikaksiseitsemänkuusiviisi, ei voittoa, "one – two – seven – six – five, no prize"). 12821 palindromic prime 13107 3333 in base-16 13122 200000000 in base-3 13131 octahedral number 13176 9999 in base-11 13182 6000 in base-13 13195 7777 in base-12 13244 tetrahedral number 13267 cuban prime 13331 palindromic prime 13370 weird number 13500 4000 in base-15 13510 weird number 13669 cuban prime 13685 square pyramidal number 13720 5000 in base-14 13790 weird number 13820 meandric number, open meandric number 13824 8000 in base-12 13831 palindromic prime 13860 Pell number 13930 weird number 13931 palindromic prime 13950 pentagonal pyramidal number 14005 55555 in base-7 14043 33333 in base-8 14190 tetrahedral number 14200 number of n-Queens Problem solutions for n = 12, 14280 6666 in base-13 14341 palindromic prime 14400 sum of the cubes of the first 15 positive integers 14406 60000 in base-7 14464 4444 in base-15 14595 amicable number with 12285 14641 palindromic square 14644 octahedral number 14701 Markov number 14741 palindromic prime 14762 22222 in base-9 14770 weird number 14775 5555 in base-14 14910 square pyramidal number 15015 smallest odd and square-free abundant number 15080 8888 in base-12 15120 highly composite number 15180 tetrahedral number 15376 pentagonal pyramidal number 15379 7000 in base-13 15387 Zeisel number 15451 palindromic prime 15511 Motzkin number 15551 palindromic prime 15552 200000 in base-6 15610 weird number 15624 444444 in base-5 15625 5^6 15841 Carmichael number 15890 weird number 16030 weird number 16061 palindromic prime 16091 strobogrammatic prime 16105 11111 in base-11 16127 Carol prime, also an emirp 16206 square pyramidal number 16269 octahedral number 16310 weird number 16361 palindromic prime 16383 3333333 in base-4 16384 2^{14} 16447 Friedman number 16464 6000 in base-14 16561 palindromic prime 16580 Leyland number 16639 Kynea number 16651 cuban prime 16660 7777 in base-13 16661 palindromic prime 16730 weird number 16796 Catalan number 16806 66666 in base-7 16807 7^5 16843 Wolstenholme prime 16870 weird number 16875 5000 in base-15 16896 pentagonal pyramidal number 16965 9999 in base-12 17163 the largest number that is not the sum of the squares of distinct primes 17272 weird number 17296 amicable number with 18416 17344 Kaprekar number 17471 palindromic prime 17476 4444 in base-16 17570 weird number 17575 square pyramidal number 17576 263 17711 Fibonacci number 17730 6666 in base-14 17971 palindromic prime 17990 weird number 18010 octahedral number 18080 5555 in base-15 18181 palindromic prime, strobogrammatic prime 18410 weird number 18416 amicable number with 17296 18481 palindromic prime 18496 sum of the cubes of the first 16 positive integers 18600 harmonic divisor number 18620 harmonic divisor number 18662 222222 in base-6 18724 44444 in base-8 18785 Leyland number 18830 weird number 18970 weird number 19019 square pyramidal number 19040 8888 in base-13 19208 7000 in base-14 19390 weird number 19391 palindromic prime 19441 cuban prime 19455 smallest integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of fewer than 548 ninth powers 19513 tribonacci number 19531 repunit prime in base 5 19600 140^2, tetrahedral number 19608 111111 in base-7 19609 first prime followed by a prime gap of over fifty 19670 weird number 19682 222222222 in base-3 19683 3^9 19773 9000 in base-13 19871 octahedral number 19891 palindromic prime 19927 cuban prime 19991 palindromic prime 20000 round number; also in the title of Jules Verne's novel 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea 20081 Motorola 68K instruction for no operation (NOP) 20100 sum of the first 200 natural numbers (hence a triangular number) 20160 highly composite number; the smallest order belonging to two non-isomorphic simple groups: the alternating group A8 and the Chevalley group A2(4) 20161 the largest integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of two abundant numbers 20230 pentagonal pyramidal number 20250 6000 in base-15 20412 Leyland number 20480 50000 in base-8 20540 square pyramidal number 20569 tetranacci number 20685 7777 in base-14 20736 12^4, 1000012 20903 first prime of form 120k+23 that is not a full reptend prime 21147 Bell number 21181 one of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem 21420 9999 in base-13 21696 6666 in base-15 21845 binary 101010101010101 21856 octahedral number 21952 8000 in base-14 21978 reverses when multiplied by 4 22050 pentagonal pyramidal number 22140 square pyramidal number 22143 33333 in base-9 22222 Kaprekar number 22447 cuban prime 22527 Woodall number 22621 11111 in base-12 22699 one of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem 23328 300000 in base-6 23401 Leyland number 23405 55555 in base-8 23409 sum of the cubes of the first 17 positive integers 23456 consecutive digits 23497 cuban prime 23625 7000 in base-15 23640 8888 in base-14 23821 square pyramidal number 23969 octahedral number 23976 pentagonal pyramidal number 24211 Zeisel number 24571 cuban prime 24576 60000 in base-8 24601 Jean Valjean's prisoner number in Les Miserables 24631 Wedderburn-Etherington number 24696 9000 in base-14 24737 one of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem 25011 the first composite number that in base 10 remains composite after any insertion of a digit 25085 Zeisel number 25117 cuban prime 25200 highly composite number 25205 largest number whose factorial is less than 10100000 25312 7777 in base-15 25585 square pyramidal number 26214 octahedral number 26227 cuban prime 26244 40000 in base-9 26595 9999 in base-14 26861 smallest number below which there are more primes of the form 4k + 1 than of the form 4k + 3 27000 8000 in base-15 27434 square pyramidal number 27559 Zeisel number 27648 11*22*33*44 27720 highly composite number; smallest number divisible by the numbers 1 to 12 (there is no smaller number divisible by the numbers 1 to 11) 27846 harmonic divisor number 27993 333333 in base-6 28086 66666 in base-8 28158 pentagonal pyramidal number 28374 smallest integer to start a run of six consecutive integers with the same number of divisors 28561 13^4=169^2=119^2+120^2, number that is simultaneously a square number and a centered square number 28595 octahedral number 28657 Fibonacci number, Markov number 28672 70000 in base-8 28928 8888 in base-15 29241 sum of the cubes of the first 18 positive integers 29282 20000 in base-11 29341 Carmichael number 29370 square pyramidal number 29524 1111111111 in base-3 30000 round number 30029 primorial prime 30030 primorial 30240 harmonic divisor number 30375 9000 in base-15 30420 pentagonal pyramidal number 30583 7777 in base-16 30694 open meandric number 30941 first base 13 repunit prime 31104 400000 in base-6 31116 octahedral number 31250 2000000 in base-5 31337 cousin prime, pronounced elite, an alternate way to spell 1337, an obfuscated alphabet made with numbers and punctuation, known and used in the gamer, hacker and BBS cultures. 31395 square pyramidal number 31397 prime number followed by a record prime gap of 72, the first above 52 31721 start of a prime quadruplet 31929 Zeisel number 32043 smallest number whose square is pandigital. 32045 can be expressed as a sum of two squares in more ways than any smaller number 32210 22222 in base-11 32544 9999 in base-15 32760 harmonic divisor number 32761 181^2, centered hexagonal number 32767 2^{15} - 1, largest positive value for a signed (two's complement) 16-bit integer on a computer. 32768 2^{15}, maximum absolute value of a negative value for a signed (two's complement) 16-bit integer on a computer. 32800 pentagonal pyramidal number 32805 50000 in base-9 32993 Leyland number 33333 repdigit 33461 Pell number, Markov number 33511 square pyramidal number 33614 200000 in base-7 33781 octahedral number 34560 5 superfactorial 34567 consecutive digits 34841 start of a prime quadruplet 34952 8888 in base-16 34969 favorite number of the Muppet character Count von Count 35720 square pyramidal number 35840 number of ounces in a long ton (2,240 pounds) 35890 tribonacci number 35899 alternating factorial 35937 chiliagonal number 35964 digit-reassembly number 36100 sum of the cubes of the first 19 positive integers 36594 octahedral number 36864 9000 in base-16 36905 55555 in base-9 37324 444444 in base-6 37378 semi-meandric number 37449 111111 in base-8 37666 Markov number 37926 pentagonal pyramidal number 38024 square pyramidal number 38416 10000 in base-14 38880 500000 in base-6 38962 Kaprekar number 39062 2222222 in base-5 39216 222222 in base-7 39321 9999 in base-16 39366 2000000000 in base-3 39559 octahedral number 39648 tetranacci number 40000 round number, 200 squared 40320 smallest factorial that is not a highly composite number 40425 square pyramidal number 40585 largest factorion 40678 pentagonal pyramidal number 40804 palindromic square 41041 Ryle number 41371 11111 in base-14 41472 20000 in base-12 41616 triangular square number 41835 Motzkin number 42680 octahedral number 42925 square pyramidal number 43261 Markov number 43560 pentagonal pyramidal number 43690 binary 1010101010101010 43691 Wagstaff prime 43923 30000 in base-11 44100 sum of the cubes of the first 20 positive integers, sampling rate of Red Book-compliant audio compact disks 44286 66666 in base-9 44444 repdigit 44721 When n > 44721, the expression 1/n - 1/(n+2) drops down to fractions of a billionth. The corresponding sum in the Leibniz formula for pi is 0.785386986. 44944 palindromic square 45242 22222 in base-12 45360 highly composite number; first number to have 100 factors (including one and itself) 45678 consecutive digits 45927 70000 in base-9 46233 sum of the first eight factorials 46368 Fibonacci number 46655 555555 in base-6 46656 6^6 46657 Carmichael number 46664 Nelson Mandela's prisoner number 46853 Number of customers in the SpongeBob SquarePants episode Patty Hype 46875 3000000 in base-5 47058 primary pseudoperfect number 47806 in hexadecimal it is written as "BABE" 48315 33333 in base-11 49151 Woodall number 49152 30000000 in base-4 49726 pentagonal pyramidal number 50000 round number 50400 highly composite number 50421 300000 in base-7 50625 smallest fourth power that can be expressed as the sum of only five distinct fourth powers 51641 Markov number 51667 77777 in base-9 51984 51984 = 228^2 = 37^3 + 11^3. the smallest square to the sum of only five distinct fourth powers. 52375 Address of the office building in the Counter-Strike map Cs_Office 52488 80000 in base-9 52633 Carmichael number 53016 pentagonal pyramidal number 53361 sum of the cubes of the first 21 positive integers 54205 Zeisel number 54241 11111 in base-15 54321 consecutive digits 54748 narcissistic number 54901 chiliagonal number 55440 superior highly composite number; colossally abundant number 55459 one of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem 55555 repdigit 55860 harmonic divisor number 55987 1111111 in base-6 56011 Wedderburn-Etherington number 56448 pentagonal pyramidal number 56789 consecutive digits 57122 20000 in base-13 58367 smallest integer that cannot be expressed as a sum of fewer than 1079 tenth powers 58564 40000 in base-11 58593 3333333 in base-5 58786 Catalan number 58824 333333 in base-7 59048 2222222222 in base-3 59049 3^{10} 59081 Zeisel number 60000 round number 60049 Leyland number 61882 22222 in base-13 62208 30000 in base-12 62210 Markov number 62500 4000000 in base-5 62745 Carmichael number 63020 amicable number with 76084 63360 inches in a mile 63750 pentagonal pyramidal number 63973 Carmichael number 64009 sum of the cubes of the first 22 positive integers 64420 44444 in base-11 65023 Carol number 65279 Unicode code point for byte order mark 65432 consecutive digits 65534 Unicode code point guaranteed not to be a character 65535 largest value for an unsigned 16-bit integer on a computer. 65536 2^{16}, also 2↑↑4 using Knuth's up-arrow notation, smallest integer with exactly 17 divisors. 65537 Fermat prime 65539 the 6544th prime number, and both 6544 and 65539 have digital root of 1; a regular prime; a larger member of a twin prime pair; a smaller member of a cousin prime pair; a happy prime; a weak prime; a middle member of a prime triplet, (65537, 65539, 65543); a middle member of a three-term primes in arithmetic progression, (65521, 65539, 65557). 65792 Leyland number 66012 tribonacci number 66047 Kynea number 66198 Giuga number 66430 111111 in base-9 66666 repdigit 67228 400000 in base-7 67607 largest of six remaining Seventeen or Bust numbers in the Sierpinski problem 67626 pentagonal pyramidal number 67863 33333 in base-12 69632 Leyland number 69696 square of 264; only known palindromic square that can be expressed as the sum of a pair of twin primes: 69696 = 34847 + 34849. 69905 11111 in base-16 70000 round number 71656 pentagonal pyramidal number 73205 50000 in base-11 73712 number of n-Queens Problem solutions for n = 13, 74205 registry number of the USS Defiant on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 74656 registry number of the USS Voyager on Star Trek: Voyager 74898 222222 in base-8 75025 Fibonacci number, Markov number 75361 Carmichael number 76084 amicable number with 63020 76176 sum of the cubes of the first 23 positive integers 2762 76424 tetranacci number 76543 consecutive digits 76832 20000 in base-14 77777 repdigit 77778 Kaprekar number 78124 4444444 in base-5 78125 5^7 78432 444444 in base-7 78557 conjectured to be the smallest Sierpinski number 80000 round number 80286 model number of the Intel 80286 chip 80386 model number of the Intel 80386 chip 80486 model number of the Intel 80486 chip 80525 55555 in base-11 80782 Pell number 81000 round number 82000 is the only number greater than 2 that can be written from base 2 to base 5 using only 0's and 1's. 82656 Kaprekar number 82742 22222 in base-14 82944 40000 in base-12 83160 highly composite number 83521 17^4 84035 500000 in base-7 85683 30000 in base-13 86400 seconds in a day; 28801-gonal number; highly powerful number; solution to Singmaster's problem when n = 11 87360 unitary perfect number 87381 binary 10101010101010101 87654 consecutive digits 87846 60000 in base-11 88573 11111111111 in base-3 88888 repdigit 90000 sum of the cubes of the first 24 positive integers, square of 300. 90484 44444 in base-12 90625 the only five-digit automorphic number 92823 33333 in base-13 93312 Leyland number 94932 Leyland number 95121 Kaprekar number 96557 Markov number 96630 66666 in base-11 97656 11111111 in base-5 98040 555555 in base-7 98304 300000 in base-8 98765 consecutive digits 99066 largest number whose square (algebra) uses all of the decimal digits once. 99999 Kaprekar number, repdigit 100000 round number 100003 smallest 6-digit prime number 100255 Friedman number[1] 100842 600000 in base-7 101101 smallest palindromic Carmichael number 101250 20000 in base-15 101723 smallest prime number whose square is a pandigital number containing each digit from 0 to 9 102487 70000 in base-11 102564 The smallest parasitic number 103680 highly totient number 103769 the number of combinatorial types of 5-dimensional parallelohedra 103823 nice Friedman number 104723 the 9,999th prime number 104729 the 10,000th prime number 104869 the smallest prime number containing every non-prime digit. 105664 harmonic divisor number 108482 22222 in base-15 110880 highly composite number 111111 repunit 111777 smallest natural number requiring 17 syllables in American English, 19 in British English 111974 2222222 in base-6 112347 333333 in base-8 112735 77777 in base-11 113105 55555 in base-12 113634 Motzkin number for n = 14 114244 40000 in base-13 114689 prime factor of F12 115248 30000 in base-14 115975 Bell number 117067 first prime vampire number 117128 80000 in base-11 117648 666666 in base-7 117649 76 117800 harmonic divisor number 118098 20000000000 in base-3 120284 Keith number 120960 highly totient number 121393 Fibonacci number 123456 consecutive digits 123764 44444 in base-13 124000 number with religious significance 124113 33333 in base-14 124416 60000 in base-12 127777 smallest natural number requiring 18 syllables in American English, 20 in British English 127912 Wedderburn-Etherington number 128840 88888 in base-11 128981 Starts the first prime gap sequence of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 129106 Keith number 131071 Mersenne prime 131072 217 131361 Leyland number 131769 90000 in base-11 132860 222222 in base-9 134340 Pluto's minor planet designation 135137 Markov number 135726 66666 in base-12 137257 1111111 in base-7 139810 22222 in base-16 139968 3000000 in base-6 142805 50000 in base-13 142857 Kaprekar number, Harshad number smallest cyclic number in decimal. 144000 number with religious significance 144945 99999 in base-11 145152 70000 in base-12 147640 Keith number 148149 Kaprekar number 149796 444444 in base-8 151875 30000 in base-15 153664 40000 in base-14 154705 55555 in base-13 156146 Keith number 156250 20000000 in base-5 158347 77777 in base-12 161051 115 161280 highly totient number 162723 33333 in base-15 163840 500000 in base-8 165484 44444 in base-14 165888 80000 in base-12 166320 highly composite number 167400 harmonic divisor number 167961 3333333 in base-6 171366 60000 in base-13 173600 harmonic divisor number 174680 Keith number 174762 binary 101010101010101010 174763 Wagstaff prime 177146 22222222222 in base-3 177147 311 177156 111111 in base-11 177777 smallest natural number requiring 19 syllables in American English, 21 in British English 178478 Leyland number 180968 88888 in base-12 181440 highly totient number 181819 Kaprekar number 183186 Keith number 185646 66666 in base-13 186624 4000000 in base-6 187110 Kaprekar number 187245 555555 in base-8 192080 50000 in base-14 195025 Pell number, Markov number 195312 22222222 in base-5 196418 Fibonacci number, Markov number 196608 300000000 in base-4 196883 the dimension of the smallest nontrivial irreducible representation of the Monster group 196884 the coefficient of q in the Fourier series expansion of the j-invariant. The adjacency of 196883 and 196884 was important in suggesting monstrous moonshine. 199290 333333 in base-9 199927 70000 in base-13 200000 round number 202500 40000 in base-15 203589 99999 in base-12 206855 55555 in base-14 207360 highly totient number 208012 Catalan number 208335 the largest number to be both triangular and square pyramidal 208495 Kaprekar number 209715 33333 in base-16 216587 77777 in base-13 216964 44444 in base-15 221760 highly composite number 222222 repdigit 223948 4444444 in base-6 224694 666666 in base-8 228488 80000 in base-13 229376 700000 in base-8 230496 60000 in base-14 233280 5000000 in base-6 234375 30000000 in base-5 234567 consecutive digits 235298 2000000 in base-7 236196 400000 in base-9 237510 harmonic divisor number 241920 highly totient number 242060 harmonic divisor number 247528 88888 in base-13 248226 66666 in base-14 248832 the smallest fifth power that can be represented as the sum of only 6 fifth powers. 253125 50000 in base-15 257049 90000 in base-13 261119 Carol number 262143 333333333 in base-4 262144 218; exponential factorial of 4; a superperfect number 262468 Leyland number 263167 Kynea number 265720 444444 in base-9 268705 Leyland number 268912 70000 in base-14 271205 55555 in base-15 271453 111111 in base-12 274177 prime factor of F6 274514 2222222 in base-7 277200 highly composite number 278469 99999 in base-13 279620 44444 in base-16 279935 5555555 in base-6 279936 67 280859 a six-digit prime number whose square (algebra) is tridigital. 289597 77777 in base-14 292968 33333333 in base-5 293547 Wedderburn-Etherington number 294685 Markov number 295245 500000 in base-9 298320 Keith number 299593 1111111 in base-8 300000 round number 303750 60000 in base-15 307328 80000 in base-14 310572 Motzkin number 312500 40000000 in base-5 317811 Fibonacci number 318682 Kaprekar number 322102 200000 in base-11 325446 66666 in base-15 326981 alternating factorial 327680 50000 in base-16 329967 Kaprekar number 330968 88888 in base-14 332150 555555 in base-9 332640 highly composite number; harmonic divisor number 333333 repdigit 333667 sexy prime and unique prime 333673 sexy prime 333679 sexy prime 335923 11111111 in base-6 345678 consecutive digits 345744 90000 in base-14 349525 binary 1010101010101010101 351352 Kaprekar number 352947 3000000 in base-7 354294 200000000000 in base-3 354312 222222 in base-11 354375 70000 in base-15 355419 Keith number 356643 Kaprekar number 360360 harmonic divisor number; the smallest number divisible by all of the numbers 1 through 15 (there is no smaller number divisble by 13) 362880 9!, highly totient number 370261 first prime followed by a prime gap of over 100 371293 135 372339 99999 in base-14 379687 77777 in base-15 389305 self-descriptive number in base 7 390313 Kaprekar number 390624 44444444 in base-5 390625 58 393216 60000 in base-16 397585 Leyland number 398580 666666 in base-9 400000 round number 402234 111111 in base-13 405000 80000 in base-15 409113 sum of the first nine factorials 411771 3333333 in base-7 413343 700000 in base-9 419430 66666 in base-16 422481 smallest number whose fourth power is the sum of three smaller fourth powers 423393 Leyland number 426389 Markov number 433928 88888 in base-15 444444 repdigit 455625 90000 in base-15 456789 consecutive digits 458752 70000 in base-16 461539 Kaprekar number 465010 777777 in base-9 466830 Kaprekar number 470596 4000000 in base-7 470832 Pell number 472392 800000 in base-9 483153 300000 in base-11 483840 highly totient number 488169 99999 in base-15 488281 111111111 in base-5 489335 77777 in base-16 497664 200000 in base-12 498960 highly composite number 499393 Markov number 499500 Kaprekar number 500000 round number 500500 Kaprekar number, sum of first 1000 integers 509203 Riesel number 510510 the product of the first seven prime numbers, thus the seventh primorial 514229 Fibonacci prime, Markov number 524287 Mersenne prime 524288 219, power of two 524649 Leyland number 531440 888888 in base-9 531441 312 531468 333333 in base-11 533169 Leyland number 533170 Kaprekar number 537824 100000 in base-14 539400 harmonic divisor number 542906 222222 in base-12 548834 equal to the sum of the sixth powers of its digits 549028 4444444 in base-7 554400 highly composite number 555555 repdigit 559240 88888 in base-16 559872 20000000 in base-6 579195 111111 in base-14 588245 5000000 in base-7 589824 90000 in base-16 597871 1111111 in base-9 599186 2222222 in base-8 600000 round number 604800 number of seconds in a week 629145 99999 in base-16 644204 400000 in base-11 646018 Markov number 654321 consecutive digits 665280 highly composite number 666666 repdigit 671846 22222222 in base-6 676157 Wedderburn-Etherington number 678570 Bell number 686285 5555555 in base-7 694280 Keith number 695520 harmonic divisor number 699050 binary 10101010101010101010 700000 round number 705894 6000000 in base-7 708624 444444 in base-11 720720 superior highly composite number; colossally abundant number; the smallest number divisible by all the numbers 1 through 16 725760 highly totient number 726180 harmonic divisor number 742586 200000 in base-13 742900 Catalan number 746496 300000 in base-12 753480 harmonic divisor number 759375 100000 in base-15 765432 consecutive digits 765623 emirp, Friedman number 56 × 72 - 6 ÷ 3 777777 repdigit, smallest natural number requiring 20 syllables in American English, 22 in British English 781250 200000000 in base-5 786432 3000000000 in base-4 800000 round number 804468 222222 in base-13 805255 500000 in base-11 813616 111111 in base-15 814359 333333 in base-12 823542 6666666 in base-7 823543 77 832040 Fibonacci number 839808 30000000 in base-6 853467 Motzkin number 876543 consecutive digits 885780 555555 in base-11 888888 repdigit 898779 3333333 in base-8 900000 round number 925765 Markov number 925993 Keith number 950976 harmonic divisor number 960800 11111111 in base-7 966306 600000 in base-11 967680 highly totient number 976562 222222222 in base-5 987654 consecutive digits 995328 400000 in base-12 999983 largest 6-digit prime number 999999 The divisibility of this number by 7 and by 13 accounts for the fact that rational numbers with those denominators have 6-digit repetends when expressed in decimal form. Repdigit. See also Feynman point.